- Reconstruction activities conducted in Ambanja will be monitored from the Antsohihy base from this point onwards.
- The Elaborated Lessons Learned (ELLE) workshop was held internally to monitor and document lessons learned and good practices from the phase I response to the humanitarian crisis. The outcome will be applied to the recovery phase and to improve the Emergency Preparedness Response Plan 2007- 2008.
- A United Nations Country Team (UNCT) emergency thematic group was held on 12 June. This represents the kick off of the UN lessons learned exercise: share experiences and improve/reinforce interagency coordination capacity with the National Office for Management of Risks and Disasters (BNGRC) and partners on national and regional level. Each agency is responsible for taking part in an internal evaluation exercise before interagency compilation and sharing.
- A Rapid Assessment training with the Think-Tank Stakeholders on Disasters (CRIC) and government members was held from 6 to 8 June. Further to recommendations during this workshop, three decentralized workshops could be held in and for some regional committees in August. UNICEF will propose a plan for agreement to BNGRC/Primature early July.
In Sofia, the cleaning and disinfection of 107 community wells is finished. Thirteen wells in three districts of Sofia region have been identified for rehabilitation by the Ministry of Energy (Direction de l'Eau). To date, four wells were rehabilitated and equipped in PMH (Manual Hydraulic Pump) and two are being rehabilitated.
In Ambanja, the cleaning and disinfection of wells, a health centre and school sanitation/latrines is continuing with the Ministry of Energy (Direction de l'Eau), School District Authorities Heath authorities. So far, 225 wells identified within five municipalities, 68 have been cleaned and disinfected in five municipalities (Bemanevika HS, Ambodimanga Ramena, Maevatanana, Benavony and Atsakoamanondro). Four other community wells have been repaired and five other rehabilitated in two municipalities.
Training and sensitization on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) principles of mayors, school directors, health centre directors, and the Head of Fokotany was done in the seven districts of Sofia region and in nine municipalities of Ambanja district. Action plans and procedures elaborated to sensitize families on WASH principals have been created, and a WASH committee has been approved by the regional/district authorities, construct family latrines.
Water quality monitoring level two has been conducted on 61 water sources in three municipalities of Ambanja: In three other municipalities, water quality analysis has been conducted in water sources 24 sources.
Evaluation of necessary rehabilitation works of Drinking Water Adductions (AEPG) has been realized in six municipalities of Ambanja with a technician from the Ministry of Energy. A report is expected by the end of the month.
A local community approach will be adopted for small rehabilitation jobs with technical support from UNICEF and the Ministry of Energy. For bigger works, tenders will be called upon in partnership with the Ministry of Energy and UNICEF.